A Smile Makeover For The New Year In Epsom?

2022 – the year that you stop regretting those unsightly stains and crooked teeth?

Smiling coupleWith 2021 soon coming to a close, many of us will be starting our shopping for Christmas and the family celebrations that come with it. In those small moments of ‘downtime’, we might allow ourselves to drift into imagining what the next year will bring. Whilst there has certainly been some bad news over the last few years which has had an impact on us all, there are still things that are within our control that can bring some joy back into our lives.

Most dentists will see a slow down in business over the next few weeks as people put off many of the more ‘optional’ treatments. Routine examinations and any necessary treatments that are needed, such as fillings, will still be as normal, but some people, understandably, will now delay any cosmetic dental treatments until the new year. Perhaps the main exception to this is a fast-acting teeth whitening session that can have your smile ready for those festive parties!

This is a good time therefore, for patients of the Clocktower Dental, Implant & Facial Centre to reflect and plan their treatment options for the new year that will help you on the road to the smile you have always wanted.

Planning your smile makeover

The first thing to do is to make a list of the aspects of your teeth that you are unhappy with. For many, this might be that they have noticed that their teeth are not as bright as they used to be. For others, it might be an annoying tooth that has never been straight and causes them to feel self conscious when they smile. The good news is that, whatever your aesthetic problem, our experienced Epsom dental team is here to help you.

There are now a wide range of treatments available to help you have the smile that you really want, and by having a consultation with us, we will be able to put an action plan into place to help you achieve your aim.

A healthy mouth

The first step, before any cosmetic work is done, is to make sure that your teeth and gums are healthy. You will receive a thorough oral examination, and any immediate treatment for decay or gum disease will be provided before your treatment starts.

A multifaceted approach

A smile makeover is not a single treatment, although it can be. It is a custom made plan to improve your smile using a single or multiple treatments. This will naturally depend on the current problems that you have with your teeth. The following are some of the treatments that might be offered for specific problems.

Missing teeth

Most people that have a missing tooth, or teeth, and want to have a great looking smile are increasingly likely to have dental implants as their tooth replacement option. This is because not only are they physically the most stable and secure option but they also look entirely natural as well. It is very unlikely anyone will notice that you have a dental implant .. unless you tell them. This treatment can take a little time before the new implant is fully integrated into the mouth, but it is well worth it for its benefits which include its longevity as well as the aforementioned.

Crooked teeth

Like implants, the treatment for crooked and uneven teeth is not a ‘quick fix’ as the teeth have to be gently coaxed back into position in order not to damage them. This is done using dental braces, or orthodontics. The time taken for this treatment to work can vary and to ensure that this period won’t see you revealing dull metal braces when you smile, we are pleased to be able to offer a range of orthodontics that can straighten your teeth whilst remaining discrete whilst you are wearing them. Two of our most popular brands are Invisalign and the Six Month Smile. We will advise which are the most appropriate for you following your consultation.

Stained and discoloured teeth

This is perhaps the most common reason that people contact our Epsom dental practice  when they are looking to give their smile a significant boost. There are two main cosmetic dentistry procedures that are available for this purpose. The most common is our teeth whitening treatment and patients are able to benefit from our fast acting ‘Zoom2’ chairside whitening system.  By placing a whitening gel on your teeth and then activating this using a special light, we are able to whiten your teeth by several shades in the space of just one hour!

For most people, this will be the most appropriate treatment, but for those whose teeth have become badly stained or discoloured, there is also the option of dental veneers which are, in effect, replacement tooth surfaces that are attached to the front of discoloured or stained teeth. Veneers are a great way of improving teeth in this condition and, with appropriate care, are long lasting too.

A new year will be upon us soon, so why not use this time to consider what you can do to make your smile better for the year ahead? If you would like to discuss this with us or to make an appointment to have a consultation, please call the Clocktower Dental, Implant & Facial Centre on 01372 720136. We look forward to meeting you!