Zoom2 – A Super Fast Teeth Whitening Treatment

Want whiter teeth in a single dental appointment? Our Epsom cosmetic dentists can help!

new smiles with cosmetic dentistryIt’s probably fair to say that most of us have, at one time or another, thought that our teeth are not as white as they should be. The rise of the selfie means that not only do we notice this more often, but the evidence is there for all to see, potentially forever. Once uploaded to the internet our dull and stained teeth are there to remind us, however much we might want to forget. No matter how much we brush our teeth and even if we buy teeth whitening toothpastes, too many of us are dissatisfied with our dull looking smile.

It doesn’t have to be this way though, and even better, your dull smile can be transformed not overnight but in the space of just one hour at the Clocktower Dental, Implant & Facial Centre. Better still, this is an entirely non-invasive treatment that should cause no discomfort at all. Side effects are also quite rare and should, at worst, consist of some short-lived tooth sensitivity.

Say hello to Zoom2 teeth whitening!

Zoom2 is a chair side teeth whitening treatment that is very popular with our Epsom patients. It is especially useful when you want to whiten your teeth in a short period of time, perhaps for a special event. Whilst custom ‘at home’ whitening treatments are usually equally effective (but not the ‘over the counter kits’ that can be purchased from chemists), they do take between one and two weeks for the effects to be seen. This is fine if you are not in a rush, but for those who want quick results or would rather avoid having to wear trays at home for a few weeks, Zoom2 is the way to go.

How does it work?

As the whole cosmetic dental procedure takes around one hour to work, patients may wish to watch a DVD or listen to music. We have a DVD player so if you wish to bring your own, that is fine.  There is no need for any local anaesthetic, so once you are seated comfortably, the treatment can begin.

First of all, our dental team will protect the gums and lips as the whitening gel used can sometimes cause irritation to soft tissues if they are not protected. The gel will then be applied to the teeth and then activated using a special light. This starts the process where the whitening gel not only removes surface staining but also lightens the inner part of the teeth which often become darker as we become older. Once the hour or so is up, the gel will be cleaned from your teeth and the protectors removed and you will be able to see a significant improvement in the whiteness of your teeth. On average, the improvement should be around eight shades whiter; a very noticeable improvement.

This rapid teeth whitening system is ideal for those seeking a quick improvement and can be used either as a one off, for example for a wedding, or it can be repeated as often as you wish with no ill effects. We also offer a custom ‘at home’ treatment which can be used to maintain the whiteness from the Zoom2 treatment for a longer period of time if you wish. We will discuss your requirements with you and plan a suitable treatment plan personalised just for you!

There is a possibility that not everyone will fully benefit from this treatment if their teeth are either very heavily discoloured or have other defects such as cracked teeth. We will thoroughly examine your teeth and offer advice as to whether this is the most suitable teeth whitening treatment for you. For those with badly stained teeth or chips and cracks, it may be that dental veneers offer a better option. If this is the case, this can be carried out at our Epsom clinic and we will discuss this with you in more detail during your consultation with us.

With spring hopefully not too far away and Covid seemingly on the wane to some degree, most of us will be hoping to get back to normal with more social events and getting away for our holidays. What better way to be able to look back at happy memories than seeing a beautiful smile in your holiday or social occasion photographs, and remember, all this can be achieved in just one hour at an affordable price.

If you would look to book a consultation to see how we can whiten your smile, please call the Clocktower Dental, Implant & Facial Centre today on 01372 720136. We look forward to helping you have a great looking smile!